
Our small animal team have a range of interests and abilities. We are fully equipped to support our patients for soft tissue and orthopedic procedures, radiography, dental treatment and internal medicine investigations.

Routine Surgery is booked in advance, please enquire at reception or telephone the practice for further information.

We strive to fit patients in for non-routine surgical procedures the same day we see them.

Your pet’s operation …

  • Make sure your pet is clean before their operation. Wash any areas that are dirty or muddy with tepid water the day before.
  • Give your pet ample opportunities to toilet the morning of their surgery.
  • Offer a small meal at 10pm the evening before surgery and take the food away before you go to bed. Water can be left down overnight but take this away first thing in the morning.
  • Diabetic patients, animals under 6 months, and rabbits/guinea pigs have different rules regarding withdrawal of food. Please speak to a team member at the practice for guidance.
  • Arrive at the practice for 8.45am. Patients will be seen in the order that they arrive.
  • You will be asked to sign to consent to the surgical procedure when your pet is admitted
  • Please note that payment is required on release of the patient.